CLE on June 4: Equitable Distribution in Divorce with David Starks and Jennifer Payseno
Posted on May 21, 2013 12:51pm

McKinley Irvin family attorneys David Starks and Jennifer Payseno will be presenting via teleconference a 1.5 hour CLE on Equitable Distribution in Divorce.
When: Tuesday, June 04, 2013, 11:00 am-12:30 pm Pacific Time
Click here to learn more or to sign up. Recordings of this CLE will also be available for purchase through NBI. This class is intended for family law attorneys and accounting professionals.
Course Content:
- Drafting the Separation Agreement or Property Settlement Agreement
- Consent Judgment Must-Knows
- The Role of the Court in Equitable Distribution
- Securing the Obligation or Property Installment Payments
- Tracing Property to Separate Asset Status
- Common Pitfalls in Dividing the Family Home
- Retirement Plans and QDROs Best Practices
- Preparing for Tax Consequences of Equitable Distribution
- Categories:
- Divorce