How You May Be Sabotaging Yourself in a Divorce

Be aware of these three ways that people commonly sabotage their best interests during a divorce:
Sabotaging Finances
One of the biggest ways that people sabotage their own divorce is by attempting to hide, misreport, and shift assets in an effort to hoard assets and reduce spousal support payments. Not only is raiding finances wrong, but it can result in an extremely unfavorable legal decision when the court finds out. Not to mention, this behavior can significantly lengthen the divorce process, costing you even more money in the long run.
Picking Unnecessary Fights
Divorce is an emotionally stressful time, and unfortunately, many couples respond by becoming overly aggressive and picking fights out of spite and anger instead of attempting to find an equitable solution. Couples who begin their divorce in an aggressive and threatening manner will likely only complicate their divorce, causing the entire process to drag on longer and cost more to resolve. Not only this, but it will also create lasting resentment and hostility that you (and your kids) certainly don’t need in your life. After all, your focus after divorce should be a happier future, not one that will be weighed down by old frustration.
Hiring the Wrong Lawyer
When choosing a divorce lawyer, look for someone with considerable experience and expertise. It is likely not in your best interests to hire someone who handles personal injury cases and a few divorce cases on the side. Look for an attorney whose sole focus is on divorce and family law and ensure that they have a strong reputation. Choose someone whose experience matches the unique needs of your case, and whose approach matches the end results you are seeking.
McKinley Irvin is committed to providing the highest caliber of divorce and family law representation in the Pacific Northwest. We encourage you to contact our firm to learn more about how we can help you protect what you value most. To request an initial case evaluation, contact us and we can connect you with the attorney most suitable for your case.
Visit our contact page for more information on our Seattle, Tacoma, Bellevue, Everett, Vancouver, and Puyallup family law offices.
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- Divorce