How to Practice Self-Care During Divorce

Going through a divorce can be one of the most difficult things you ever do. Even the most amicable splits can feel overwhelming and stressful, and contentious divorces can leave you feeling drained and heartbroken. Whatever your situation, it is important to remember to care for yourself during this trying time. Your mental, emotional, and physical health should be a priority, especially when you undergo such a dramatic life change.
Make sure you practice self-care during your divorce by following these 5 tips:
Know Your Environment
Make sure you are surrounding yourself with positivity and support. That includes everything from your physical living space to the company you keep. If you are surrounded by negative reminders of your past, then it might be best to remove those reminders in order to move forward. Sometimes even just rearranging the furniture in the home you once shared can bring a bit of new life into it, helping it feel more like your own.
Invest in Yourself
Take up a new hobby or pick up an old interest you let fall to the wayside. Invest your time and energy in something that makes you happy and gives you focus. It doesn’t need to be productive and it should not serve the interests of anyone but yourself.
The endorphins your body produces while exercising can go a long way to brighten your mood. Not only can exercising give you more energy and lift your spirits, it can also be a safe way to channel any anger or aggression you may be feeling. Sign up for a cycling class, join a kickboxing gym, or even a yoga studio. Or, just go for an evening walk to clear your head, get your body moving and make time for yourself. This can also be a way to connect with and receive support from friends and family if you do it together.
Take Responsibility
It takes two to tango, as the saying goes, and in most divorces, the responsibility rests with both parties. This is not always the case, but either way, it is healthy to take an honest look at your marriage and the issues that led to your divorce. It can be easy to get wrapped up in your anger and to blame your spouse for the end of the relationship, but shouldering some of the responsibility can be healthy.
Acknowledge what went wrong and be honest with yourself about what you may have done to contribute to it. Now, that isn’t to say you should blame yourself. Rather, be sensitive to what the divorce looks like from the other end, and it could give you some perspective and make the rest of the divorce process a bit easier to bear.
Talk About It
Do not let your feelings stay bottled up. It is okay to feel what you are feeling. For many people, dealing with a divorce can be very similar to the grieving process. The life you had planned with your spouse is ending, and even if it is for the best, it is okay to feel sad about it.
What is important is that you talk about what you are going through, be it good, bad, or ugly. Express your concerns, fears, anger, or whatever else you are feeling. Turn to your best friends, your closest family members, or even consider a professional. Sometimes going to a therapist can be a great way to unload your feelings and get perspective without succumbing to pressure from friends or loved ones.
For help with your Washington divorce case, contact McKinley Irvin.- Categories:
- Divorce