Three Benefits of Arbitrating Family Law Disputes

Although mediation is often utilized to resolve family law disputes, in cases where the independent third-party facilitator cannot help the parties come to a reasonable agreement, and the disputing parties still need someone to make a judgment but they don’t want to deal with the hassle of the court system, then arbitration might be the best option in this situation. Below, we discuss three benefits of arbitrating family law disputes.
#1: Both Parties Can Choose the Judge
One of the greatest benefits of arbitration is that the parties can decide who will be their judge. When a family law dispute goes to litigation, the parties have no say in who serves as judge. With arbitration, the parties can select an arbitrator who has experience in family law or the particular kind of controversy that needs to be settled, such as child custody or property division matters.
#2: Arbitration Is Faster Than Going to Court
Another major benefit of arbitration is how speedy the process is compared to taking a case to court. The parties involved in arbitration can virtually choose their date and can also secure a full-day, or longer, without being interrupted by other court matters. Family law matters submitted to arbitration usually receive a quick hearing and result, so the costs of the decision-making process are significantly reduced.
#3: Arbitration Is Less Formal Than Court Proceedings
The arbitration process is generally less formal than the traditional adjudicatory process. Arbitration permits both parties greater control over the process, so they are more likely to accept the final decision resulting from that process, also because both parties agree to limited rights of review and appeal when they enter into arbitration. Family law matters that require arbitration can be done in an informal setting, such as an office, with a less strict approach and relaxed rules of evidence and procedures.
Family Law Arbitration Services
Our skilled arbitrators possess substantial experience and have a deep understanding of the legal, financial, and emotional elements of family law issues. Our team’s extensive experience allows us to effectively review and resolve a wide range of disputes. To learn more about our comprehensive arbitration services, please reach out to us today.
Give us a call at 206-397-0399 or fill out our online form to request further information.
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